how to make mawut fried rice that is delicious and delicious

Mawut rice

 Mawut fried rice is fried rice where, a combination of white rice with noodles. with ingredients and seasonings used.

 Some kinds of fried rice, which my friends know, among them now is, fried rice mawut. Talking about fried rice, the taste and quality of food, fried rice, guaranteed by friends, will be addicted and still want to try it again, if friends already tasted the fried rice.

 This fried rice, usually a lot of food stalls provide this menu. Both from roadside stalls, and in large restaurants. Regarding the price, this mawut fried rice is very affordable.

it ranges from 30k to 50k per portion. So for the lower middle class is still enough. And, for how to make it, mawut fried rice, follow the steps below:

Ingredients u sed 

1. Give about 3 tablespoons of white rice  
2. Egg noodles or instant noodles 1 small grip 
3. Squid 
4. 4. Shrimp 4 tails
5. Leek Prey 
6. Rich source tomato sauce 
7. Cooking oil 
8. 1 chicken egg

Spices used 

1. Smooth salt 
2. Vitzin 
3. Granulated sugar
4. Salty soy sauce 
5. Oyster sauce

How to make 

Take, cooking oil, then add the pan, then take the chicken eggs into the frying pan, then turn it on until the chicken egg is crushed and hardened.

 When finished, drop ingredients, such as squid, shrimp, with the sliced ​​leek. Stir again, until the ingredients cook. Then, add the white rice about 3 tablespoons of rice, with the egg noodles.

 then, stir again until the rice is tasted Pur with the ingredients. If so, add the spices that have been prepared earlier and stir again, then add the tomato sauce until the fried rice is red like the picture above, until it is completely mixed evenly by the tire ingredients and seasonings in the pan.

 When finished, lift the mawut fried rice, and it's ready to be served. 

# Good luck and hopefully  helpful!

 (Never stop to work while you are given time).
